Daniel Part 3

We take a small break from looking at Daniel specifically to see what his companions are made of.


When the king set up his impressive gold statue, he forgot who had revealed Himself to him.

All of a sudden Nebuchadnezzar was caught up in his own power and importance.  He was so angry at the thought of somebody not bowing to him that he lost all control.

Trouble is, we do that when someone wants to contradict our opinion.  You understand that’s what it is right? Whatever you are basing your story on, it’s still just your opinion.

But people seem to lose their minds over anything that’s going on.

So, be sure of this one thing, God will defend Himself and His people.  But even if we have to give our lives, He still reigns.  God is watching what your and my response is to situations that are not fair, that are not equal, that are not even in the realm of what we think we should be going through.

And he is watching with pride because He knows what your response has a chance to be. GREAT!  But, He allows us to hear those words coming from our own mouth.  And it’s the greatest blessing on earth to know we stood up to the temptation and spoke right in it’s face.

Take heart brother and sister, redemption draws nigh, speak to the elevation of Christ and God the Father and come out without even the stench of smoke on your clothes.

Pastor Brent