Pure Religion - Part 2

Paul charges Timothy in his letter to him not only what things are important to teach; but how you teach them is equally important.

If we focus our teaching toward one group or another because of the success we think it will bring, (Fame wise or financial) we kid ourselves into thinking we are doing God’s will because of the crowds.

Jesus focused on what God was saying and was not swayed by what He saw or was experiencing.

And we need to be the same.

God is no respecter of persons and if we, as children of God, look for someone like us to minister to, we are missing God’s leading.

He doesn’t want you at comfort and at ease, He wants your attention and your willingness to seek and save the lost.

Have you ever noticed that the “lost” hardly ever wander into the camp (think church) that the rescue party has set up?

You actually have to go out to the wilderness to bring them in after they are found.  People who are already found don’t need the rescue tent.  But that is exactly what Jesus had to tell the Pharisees.  You who are well don’t need a doctor.

Preach the Good News with your life, then enjoy who God is drawing to you, because they are the people who will listen to your message.  Good and bad.

Pastor Brent