“Give this order to the people of Israel, ‘When you enter the land of Canaan, it will become your land to pass on as an inheritance, the land of Canaan as defined by these borders.’”
Before the nation of Israel entered the land of Canaan, the Lord was defining what their borders or boundaries would be. Have you defined your boundaries? Or do you feel as if the Lord has hired you to be His hit man or hit woman to say and/or do what you please?
Jesus told us plain; I only say what I hear the Father saying and do what I see the Father doing. Can I say I at least bat 50% on the same statement? For if not then we are mavericks just simply saying what we think and asking God to back it up.
May I tell you, God's not your backup plan, He is THE plan. Find it, cultivate it, and if you think you might be getting close to a boundary......run away from it. God does give us plenty of freedom, and the only caution is what? Don't use it as an occasion for the flesh. In other words, the flesh is outside of your boundary. Just because it makes you feel good is not a reason to do it.
Find your boundaries and stay within them, there will still be more blessing than you can contain.
Pastor Brent