For the Law, while we were children was necessary to teach us our responsibilities as well as our limitations; as it says in Galatians chapter 4.
But, when we receive Jesus we are no longer slaves but sons and therefore heirs with Christ. And as such, we have entered into a covenant with God whereby we take on the responsibility of the Kingdom of God, as a representative.
Which certainly entails the proper use of the handling of the Word of God. If we are still children, we use it for our own gain and to elevate ourselves above someone else. But, if we are truly sons and daughters of God, we use the Word to restore others and to keep ourselves humble, knowing from where our authority and salvation comes.
It is easy to assume we are grown ups, but is it as easy for someone else to give you that title? For it is God's and those who we deal properly with that will be our final test.
Pastor Brent