“Now we see through a glass darkly, then face to face; now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.”
So, given that our view is through this dark glass, why should we be so all-fired sure that we have the answers?
Shouldn’t we be humble enough to admit that there are things about God that He hasn’t revealed to us yet?
“But Pastor, then people won’t think we have all the answers!” Why do you think they stay away from church in the first place? A place filled with people that all know what’s good for you, even if they don’t know you! Sounds like a family gathering and you’re the topic of the day.
But really, shouldn’t we be seeking how to share Jesus’ message instead of our supposed knowledge? Which, it seems, at best, is flimsy, according to the Word.
Share the love of God - that is known!
Share the grace of God - that is also known!
Share the mercy of God - known!
And even these are limitless and the fullness of them unknowing. And therein lies the beauty of God’s bounties - limitless!
The view from here should be humbling and gracious. Is that your view? Trying to make it mine.
Pastor Brent