Anankainosis - renewal, renovation, complete change for the better.
This process is done in the mystery of the cocoon.
In that process the Caterpillar is reduced to a substance that can literally be reformed. Made into something entirely different.
When you think about your life before and compare, is there anything you would drag into the life God has given you?
The Pharisees continually told Jesus they were free, they could see, and they knew certain things that He was obviously unaware of.
But Jesus told them because they said they could see, then their sins would be held to their account. And He would minister to those people who wanted, and desired the healing and knowledge that He came to bring.
If you feel you're alright, why would you want transformation? If you like crawling on the ground, why would you want to fly?
But this is what we are called to. Jesus wants us to be born again. And why would there be new birth with the same results? Let your mind be renewed by the washing of the blood and the Spirit. Grow beyond how you thought 10, 5, 2, one year ago, or even last month. God is the same, yesterday, today, and forever, you and I shouldn't be.
Pastor Brent