In Nehemiah 2, Nehemiah was serving the king and was sad in his presence. Trouble is, you could be executed for being sad in the king’s presence. So Nehemiah was terrified when the king noticed.
But as he answered the king he let out all of the burden the Lord had placed upon him and left it in the hand of the king.
And, with the leading of God, the king was moved to help and supply and rebuild the city and the walls around it.
So Nehemiah went to inspect the city. He went to see the disrepair and wreckage he had heard about.
And he did so by night. I believe for two reasons. One, so he could look without being seen and two, so no other voices and crowds of people would distract and fill his head with their opinions.
And then, with the boldness he received from God after not being killed, he revealed his plan (God’s plan) to the people.
What in your life needs a rebuild? What has lain in ruin and fallen into disrepair?
It’s going to take an act of faith and boldness, but God has a plan for you to rebuild. Travel this journey with me as God starts His plan.
Pastor Brent