"Renewing the Mind Pt 5" May 19th

Someone asked me, because we were talking about the series we’re learning in service, if the default mindset is always negative. I said it doesn’t have to be, but I’m not sure that’s true.

James 4:4 states that, “you can’t be a friend with the world without making yourself an enemy of God.

We need to find a way to divorce ourselves from the world. The only way that happens is to think about the situation you are in. The present.

The present is all we can deal with even if thinking toward the prize that is set before us might help us put perspective on our trial.

Joy comes from the Holy Spirit and is much different than happiness. Happiness relies on instant gratification, but Joy is maintained through a sustained absorption in things Heavenly. We need both to remind us to see and receive the kind of joy Jesus had, and that Paul received, to go through that which God has set before us.

And, it’s available.

It was not just Jesus that needed it, or Paul, but it is you and I that need the joy which is more fulfilling than the things of earth.

Receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit

They are eternal

Pastor Brent

"Renewing the Mind Part 5" May 12th

The Race. Our Christian life is a race, not one of sprinting, but one of endurance.

We make our life interesting to say the least. Because we can truly say that our life is not one of performance or perfection, but of pushing on to the end.

We come to a place where we get moments of clarity followed by landslides of doubt.

`And this is the life we are to live. This is not an anomaly, but one of normality. Our life, remember, is getting us ready for eternity, not this life as the end goal. So, what we are going through is beyond the scope of our worldview here, and embraces the kingdom view of God’s plan.

If we think that 95% commitment is easier, we deny the fact that our brain will find any weaknesses and those weaknesses overtake our 95%. When we are 100% in, we don’t leave room for the enemy to get a foothold.

To renew our mind, we need to not let doubt creep in because doubt is a new mind’s enemy.

The Holy Spirit works inwardly and outwardly to set the circumstances that witness to us of Jesus’ great power and Divine healing. Allow Him to lead you into the race, no matter how hard the race may seem at first. Training for a marathon is much harder than the race itself if we train properly. Living a life with Christ is much harder than the actual day to day minutes we have to endure.

But amazingly worth it!

Pastor Brent

"Renewing of The Mind Part 4" May 5th

We have learned some important things abut ourselves. We have two rulers at odds in our brain, the conscious and the sub-conscious. The rider and the elephant.

Now matter how much the rider conscious wants to control the behavior our sub-conscious will attempt to over throw the effort just by bringing other thoughts, (especially from the past or future).

Then we talked about the default mindset, taking us to places that we don’t want to go. It causes us to lose focus on the matter at hand by looking at everything and everyone around us.

This causes the victim mentality to try and get us to refuse responsibility of our own actions.

This morning we are going to look at some ways to recognize and combat when we are losing control of our battle against the enemy and another enemy——our own flesh.

God has given us tools to be more than a conqueror, which means we have things to conquer. Most of them are driven by things we have been exposed to or that we have exposed our self to.

We need to give the Holy Spirit the free reing in our lives to conquer those things which can (and often do) so easily beset us.

Pastor Brent

Guest Speaker Aron Musingo - April 28th

This morning we are privileged to welcome Aron Musingo from Uganda and Resurrection of Hope to our church. Aron is going to share some things from his ministry in Africa.

We have been honored to share in his ministry for a number of years now and it will be great to hear first hand how God is working in that part of the world.

Let’s give him our attention and maybe get an insight as to how better we might be able to pray and give toward their cause.

In His Service,

Pastor Brent

"Renewing of The Mind Pt3" April 21st

So, last Sunday we got to the if part of Colossians 3, and we agree that:

1. we were raised with Christ

2. we should seek those things above

3. we should set our minds on

things above

And 4. that our life is hidden with Christ

Then, we need to follow with the other things that teach the rider (our conscious decision maker) what to do with the thoughts and resulting actions acquainted with those thoughts.

Following these affirmations we can begin to deal with the elephant ie, the subsequent emotions and mindset that has been pivotal in programming our nature. (the old man).

But, we have to remember that this process is going to take cooperation with the trainer (the Holy Spirit), which is a whole new level of un-comfortableness and learning new methods and purpose for our life.

What is the entire mission of the Holy Spirit? John 15:26 The Holy Spirit testifies of Jesus Christ. It’s the sole reason for Him being on the earth. And, as He testifies of Jesus Christ, if we listen, we can begin to retrain our elephant who know mostly or only of our own lives.

Let’s dive in to being led by the Spirit, and finding the path the Lord has laid our for us to walk.

Pastor Brent

"Renewing Our Minds Pt 2" April 14th

In the battle to renew our mind, we need to have the time to evaluate our next move. And, therefore allow the Holy Spirit the ability to communicate to us what our response should be.

In the continuance of this series let’s focus on the rebuilding after the tear down of our old self.

It only takes a few weeks to establish a new habit. Nobody says much about unestablishing an old habit.

I realize I have repeated routines in the morning, I can almost do them blind-folded. But if another factor interrupts the timing of my routine or breaks the order of things being done, there is a pause while I reflect on my path!

The Holy Spirit is that pause. He beckons you to the Savior who is our answer all the time.

Pastor Brent

"Renewing: Conformed or transformed? That is the question." April 7th

Is it our job to get along and accept the mores and fads happening in the span of our lives, or, is it our job to stand up and oppose everything going on?

What if I told you it was neither?

What if I said that the Lord was concerned with what you were doing much more than what everyone around you is doing?

Would that be okay with you? The verse containing the conform or transform words has to do with whether we will succumb to the plans and schemes of the world, or, walk in the newness which is in Christ. This, however, takes a transformation in thinking, in living, and in the immersion of oneself in the Word and Will of God.

There is washing and regeneration available for those who want the process of Christianity to take place. This is not a life that is simply inherited, but rather one that has to be recognized and absorbed into a new way to think and act.

Renewing is a process our body knows. We get new skin every seven years on average, but sometimes think the same thoughts (destructively so) for decades.

Let’s break these “conforming” habits and pick up transforming habits. What do you say?

Pastor Brent

What Have You Come To See or Do? March 31st

 Mark 16:1 Now when the Sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome brought spices that they might come and anoint Him.  

Even Jesus’ mother couldn’t believe the ultimate about  her Son...that He was going to be raised from the dead.

So, they came to make the situation smell better. They brought spices and ointments out of respect for who Jesus had been.

Let’s not kid ourselves, Jesus presents a problem in our life.  Either we are all in, or we are on the way out.

There is no middle ground concerning the Son of God.  Do you believe Him, or not!  Are we serving a risen Savior or simply remembering a great memory of one?

God is alive, Jesus is alive, the Holy Spirit is quick and alive.

Our Lord is one who came to conquer death and hell and take the keys over them to show His mastery over the evil one.

Death came by one man, Jesus gave life to every man that comes to believe in Him.

What have you come today to do?  Freshen up a stinky situation, or serve a living God who has given us the power to persevere until our time has come or He returns.

He’s Alive!
Pastor Brent  

"The Last Month of Jesus Part 2" March 24th

The last week of Jesus’ life was so much of a roller coaster, that it is hard to be believed. Although much of His life was similar, nothing compares to being hunted, adored to the point of calls for His kingship, then brutally tortured and crucified.

The emotional toll alone would be enough to kill a person, but then to continue to mentor and teach these disciples with kindness and love is above and beyond what we expect.

If there ever was an example of laying down one’s life, it is Jesus’ days before His death, not even including when He went to the cross, it is those days before. We compartmentalize those things we need to take care of, but don’t allow God to lead us THROUGH the process of taking others along.

Jesus takes us on that journey and gives us lessons and examples to guide us when we experience the same (but mush less intense) things in our own lives.

Allow this season to touch you and the people around you in a most blessed way. See the disciples gathered around the table and accompanying Him to the garden. Be the witness to those who have questions because you do possess the Spirit of God.

May you have a most Holy, Holy week.

Pastor Brent

"The Last Mont of Jesus" March 17th

After Jesus raised Lazarus, He went into semi hiding as the Pharisees were seething about the miracle he performed.

He stayed in the area while the Sanhedrin was debating the fate of His future. They also had decided that they would kill Lazarus so he wouldn’t be any kind of proof of Jesus’ deity and Lord over even death.

After things cool down somewhat, Jesus returns to Bethany and the house of Mary, Martha and Lazarus to wait for the beginning of Passover. He was having dinner with His disciples and the family when Judas relived the moment that Mary had anointed Jesus with the expensive oil.

Judas was upset, not because he wanted to use the money for the poor (as he said) but to keep the money for himself.

Jesus was amazing for many things, but His patience for His disciples, even the one that was going to betray Him, is, in my opinion, the most amazing.